Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What to Wear Wednesdays! BerryTree Photography : Atlanta,GA Photographer

Neborns and babies are some of my absloute favorite to photograph! I perfer to photograph newborns (and younger babies) in just their fresh new skin as clothing tends to distract from all of their perfect little details! However, I ADORE hats on newborns! I have a bunch I will bring with me to the session, however I always recommend finding some that fit you and your style. Below I have shown a few examples of hats as well as other examples of what newborns and babies should wear! All products (and images) are from which is a GREAT resource for finding fun and unique homemade acceccories (for every age, not just babies) If you are interested in products similiar to the below for your session with BerryTree Photography, just let me know and I can point you in the direction of a few great sellers!

What to Wear newborn and babies

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berrytree photography

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Hi I'm Sarah and the photographer behind BerryTree Photography! I have been married to my wonderful husband Chris for 3 years and we have a yellow lab named Walker.